Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I Heart Role-Playing Games

Last week, Jessie Cantrell put out a call for people who play role-playing games to do an interview about the passing of Dungeons and Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax.

This is exactly what I'd hoped the Year of Yes would be about, so I rounded up some of the folks I game with, went out to Forbidden Planet for an afternoon, and did the interview.

I should backtrack a little.

Since moving here five years ago, the lack of tabletop RPGs has caused a depressing hole in my life. That sounds nerdy, but it's true.

It's one of the things I miss most about Florida, and I feel a ridiculously strong bond with the people who stood by my side fighting monsters. (Incidentally, one of the guys I used to game with had a baby yesterday. Congrats, Andoran.)

Gaming in New York isn't easy. Finding a space is a problem, since most NYC apartments are small, and scheduling is a nightmare. Considering the people I associate with perform or rehearse at least two nights a week, it's almost impossible to get a game going.

So when some acquaintances mentioned starting up an RPG, I jumped at the chance to join. Not that I need to add another thing to my plate, but damn if it doesn't feel good to roll the dice and be a hero again.

Year of Yes!

1 comment:

MJC said...

Ooh, nice. I played D&D in high school and though I think it's been at least 20 years since I played, I definitely miss it sometimes.

I'm far too intimidated by the huge number of rule books and umpteenth editions revisions to get back into it, but ahhh, very fond memories of that blue Basic rulebook and the--hot off the presses!--first edition hardcovers of the AD&D rules.