Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'm Sore Today.

But not too sore. I thought I'd feel worse, since I haven't had this big of a work-out in a while, but I'm OK. It's the good kind of sore.

Do I think Yoga Booty Ballet's "Cardio Cabaret" is pretty dumb? Yes.

Did we go out to eat at a diner afterward to undo all our hard work? Yes.

Did I have fun? Yes.

Was it worth it? Yes.

Would I do it again? Ugh... yes.


Anonymous said...

Really, we chose to do Cardio Cabaret (instead of some more dignified aerobics) so that we could watch you "put on the stocking" and "double tail feather." Well worth the absurdity factor of the Yoga Booty Ballet hosts, I'd say.

Erica said...

next time we can do tae-bo.