Thursday, January 10, 2008

Stand-Up Comedy: NO.

Times Square. Lunchtime.

My co-worker Sarah and I were returning to the office after a quick field trip to look at one of the new LOST billboards (she's a super-fan and is slowly getting me addicted).

Non-New Yorkers might not be familiar with all the hawkers in Times Square - they try and get tourists to use their tour buses, buy their discount Broadway tickets, see a free taping of David Letterman, etc.

One of them stopped us (I never get bothered when I'm alone, but always when I'm with Sarah) and asked, "Do you like stand-up comedy?"

"No," I immediately replied. At the same time, Sarah said, "Yes."

I said no because, in my real life, I do a lot of stuff in the "comedy world," and have absolutely zero desire to sit in a tourist trap with an overpriced two-drink minimum.*

I think Sarah said yes to annoy me.

We kept walking. The hawker called after us, "Come on, just say yes!"

Clearly, he is a reader of this blog.

* I hope this doesn't sound too mean, but it's the way I honestly feel.

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