Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Raining (Not Men, Not on Prom Night)

I really don't like the rain. Everyone who knows me can vouch for that. I'm like a cat that way, or the Wicked Witch of the West - I absolutely hate getting wet. It makes me melt and die.

It's raining in New York City, and it's gonna keep at it all day. Usually, I'd just hide indoors until my workday is over and then rush home into dry clothes, but not today. Because today I have to run an errand. An errand, damn it.

This is what the Year of Yes boils down to, really. Not extravagant activities or amazing adventures, just me doing what I gotta do, regardless of outside circumstances.

So if I've gotta rely on a blog to get my lazy ass out in the rain, then so be it, Jedi.

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